About Us

Mission Statement


Welcome to Geopolitical Economy: Umansking Agendas, Revealing Truth’s. This website/blog mission is to dispel the misconceptions brought forth by the main stream media concerning issues about geopolitics and economics. It is not to report the news. Rather the purpose of the blog is to is to interpret events, both past and present. It will interpret images and videos of geopolitical and economic events. It will base its analysis on the following questions: First, what information is included and what context has been left out. Second, why was that emotional response targeted? Last and most important who stands to gain from exploiting it?

Only by answering the above questions can one properly dispel any misconceptions leading to the blind belief that what we see on television, the newspapers ( both paper and digital), not to mention Social Media are the cold hard facts. It is most important to note that only part of the story is given leading to an abuse of any information of use to the world at large.   In fact, however, only half the story is given. Mind you the mainstream media is a business that is beholden to private and government interests and so information that is of a sensitive nature is left out. That  makes it more imperative to go about dispelling the misconceptions on important issues that effect our everyday lives in this interdependent world. An interdependent world that becomes more rapidly integrated with increasing advances in technology.

Our Great Team

Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams

Business Analyst
Lisa Kudrow

Lisa Kudrow

Sam Woods

Sam Woods

Political Activist
Happy Workers
volunteer projects
Success Stories
Success Sessions


Margie Peterson

We believe that our mission calls for non-traditional approaches, and we call for every citizen to participate in upcoming elections. To create a society in which an informed and active citizenry is sovereign and makes policy decisions based on the will of the majority.

Margie Peterson

New York
Alan Griffin

We believe, that to bring our economic and social life to the new level, we must use non-standard and non-traditional means and approahches in our work. Tomorrow’s day depends on your choice. Within our team, we have gathered the best people who stand behind their promise.

Alan Griffin

New York
Jerry Williams

How can we get our country back on track? How to preserve our Constitution and get people value and honor it? All this core questions have been evolving in our minds for years. And now we have the answers. We stand behind our promise to recognize and protect people’s rights.

Jerry Williams

New York
Alan Griffin

Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams.

Alan Griffin

New York
Jerry Williams

These guys know exactly what they are doing. Good luck with your tough job!

Jerry Williams

New York